Thursday, June 08, 2006

What I'm Going To Miss And What I'm Not

First of All, thank you to everyones kind words so far with regards to the blog, especially thanks to those who have left comments or even set up their own blog in honor. Yeah that touched me a lot actually.

I've been doing some thinking over the last couple of days, over the things that i will, and won't miss about Britain over the summer when im away.. Partly this was a list i made on the train the other day when trying to aviod listening to the loud yet slightly boaring man behind me on the phone.

Things I'm Going to Miss About the British Summer:

1) The Cricket Season- Yes i know i am a 'cricket badger' nee addict and theres nothing like the experience of listening to Test Match Special or spending vast amounts of time on cricinfo looking for the latest Surrey score, oh well, may have to pay a little more attention to Wisden next year
2) Wimbeldon, not for the tennis more for the perculiar occurance that is my grandma dissapearing for two weeks.
3) Deal or No Deal, Nuff Said
4) The random summer afternoons spent with my mother watching a combination of watercolour challenge and countdown.
5) Pubs. Freedom to inhabit at will.
6) London Pride.
7) The legitmacy to ware shorts
8) Outdoor Gigs
9) Catching Up with old freinds
10) The Cinema, all the best films are in the summer, i never know why
11) Strawberries in season

Things I Definately Won't Miss About The British Summer:

1) World Cup Hype nee Hystria, especially if England do make it past the inevitable embarresing exit on penalties. Especially the over-jealous use of the st george flag on everything.
2) Being stuck indoors on the one nice day of the year. Typical
3) Not having air conditioning in the car on the one nice day of the year. Typical
4) The rediculously early start to the football season. One word SEPTEMBER.
5) Silly news stories, remeber William Hauge's ''14 Pints''?
6) 'Summer Dance Crazes' They're Crap. End of.
7) Those stupid battery powered fans .
8) Government cock ups. actually no i will miss them they're funny.
9) Mindless wheather talk. 'ohhh isn't it nice' Well done, maybe you should join the observer corps.
10) 'The Ashes are coming soon', oh dear, not sure my nerves can take another one
11) The inevitable summer romance,
12) Captial Radio playing crap music, that's not exclusive to the summer mind
13) Big Brother Fueled Hype and Spin-off's
14) Water shortages whilst its raining
15) Exam results. Both my own and everyone else's. Though more my own
16) Realising trousers were a mistake.
17) Mindless transfer speculation, no Thierry Henry isn't going to sign for accrington stanley, he didn't last year did he?

Well i think that's most of my rant gone, incase you couldn't tell, im really looking forward to going now

Oooh its gone past midnight. That means its a week to go. Hoooorayyy

Stay tuned folks



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tee hee, this is awesome! Though, ur a life-guard, which does give you the right to wear shorts whenever you want! But yeah, dont forget to send me a postcard! :-D Love Katy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

11:21 PM  
Blogger Soumya Sukumar said...

DEAL OR NO DEAL FTW!!!! *cries*

8:44 PM  

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