Sunday, June 18, 2006


Heya everyone i am alive and have made it to camp! woo
Two days straight travelling really kills so apologies for this being brief, am also currently being initated in watching ice hockey!
Flight was err fun, got moved earlier then back later, then that was delayed, and as everyone else had been moved it became a group of six of us, who got to know each other quite well, tho were not going to see each other for the rest of the summer, odd
Got into NYC last night, nice touristy type taxi ride down broadway, then a walk down broadway to get food.
Woke up at 6 this morning to go get the bus up here, along with katy whos camp is nearby, was a fun ride, including one bus driver who thought he should be flying!

Got into camp about 5 along with paul whos the other councellor here from england.

Had some games and stuff tonight, including dodgeball where i lasted out to the last 5, to much appaluse despite not being able to throw! well comparitvley anyway

oohh hockeys starting, better get back to learn, im having some baseball lessons tomorrow too,

hope everyones well



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