Monday, June 19, 2006

What did you just say?

Wowa its been hot today and yesturday, i think i must have sweated out about 3 litres of water,

Yesturday morning we all went to our specialty areas to check them out and start preparing for when the kids get here on sunday, I therefore went into the illustrious studios of radio wild 89.5 where, along with steven the IT councellor we swept, cleaned the surfaces and equipment and plugged stuff in to see what worked, then we cleaned the transmitter and managed to make it reach all the way down to the lake! Driving around camp listening to the radio on stevens car was a fun method of checking out where was working!

Then in the afternoon we all went down to the senior camp to lay down the mulch, which was esp. hard as it was sooo rediculosly hot! Altough apparently im an expert 'raker', which is something to go onto the cv i guess.

This morning was the worst yet as far as the heat went, we were digging up weeds and removing rocks from the BMX track, which was errr not fun, as well as putting up the tarpaulin around the baseball feild. At least after all the work we were able to cool off in the lake, best swim ive had in a long time.
After a trip to portland to get social security numbers it was time for the try outs for the teams for thursdays inter councellor competitions with two other camps. There are four sports were contesting - softball, football, tennis and volleyball, so natuarally i plumped for volleyball and have made the team for thursday! woo, my serve worked really well even if i did knock one guy onto the floor!

One thing ive picked up so far is the amount of different words ive started to use, i go to school not uni, drink soda, like soccer not football and its liicour not alchol. Amougnst other accent amusement i was asked today if they dubbed the simpsons into english!

This evening we had another camp over for a barbecue that had to be inside, altough i didnt speak to many of them as had to spend most of the night dj'ing, tho did get a round of applause which was nice. Altough its the first time ive played when theres been a storm going on and had intermittent power supplies.

Anyway the stanley cup (hockey) final is on now so better go watch that, bye for now!

Oh and by the way Gatorade is goooooddd


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