Wednesday, August 02, 2006


The last few days have seen a mini olympics competition between the Junior campers with the groups split into 8 teams as a mini rehursal for colour war which is imminent.

I was one of the officials and oversaw the soccer and the newcombe competitions which was a lot of fun tho some of the coaches decided to get a little too into it tho the kids had a lot of fun which was good

My kids have been on a trip the last few days which means as im a specailty councellor ive been assigned to cover one of the Oak (11's) bunks because on Friday, Chris one of the water ski guys was fired for getting into an argument with one of the group leaders, however im sleeping in bunk 11 which only has councellors in at the moment which means im getting a lot more sleep!

Camp has wound down now ready for the intensity that will be colour war - 4 days of intense competition between two teams- grey and blue both with different themes which are yet to be reveled. Im a bit nervous to be honest as some of the intesity ive seen so far over ''friendly'' games has been quite frightening especially amoung the ex-campers, anyway we shall see.

As soon as colour war is over there are only a few days left then its the end of camp. My travel plans so far extend as far as getting the Bus with the kids back to NYC then who knows. Im planning to go to Clemson in south carolina to visit a friend from camp and go to a football game which should be ace.

For anyone thats interested i now have a US cellphone- (917) 749-7120

Anyways must be off to do some more relaxing on my day off



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