Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Even Bigger Game

On friday I swum the lake at camp for the first time along with ten of my kids, who went there and back! Some of them struggled but it was fun for an hour or so even if some of them struggled quite a bit!

On sunday we had the staff soccer game which was Great Britain Vs. The rest of the world. In typical fashion, we dominated the game, had several great chances but managed to lost 1-0 thanks to a flukey goal from the new lacross guy who managed to somehow smuggle it over the line in the last minite! typical. Tho all of us brits took it well and all stayed after the game just sitting on the feild to have a chat and warm down while the americans went off to gloat to the kids, how typical!

Sunday night was my kids turn to host campfire, which was hands down the best yet (even DJ the head councellor said so!)

Yesturday was a sad and very strange day. First of all Darren, a general councellor from the sequoias (next age group up) was released. I was quite upset at this as out of all the general councellors who have come to radio with groups of kids, Darren was one of the better ones as he always seemed to take an interest in the activity and the development of the kids, and I considered him to be a good friend. However this was obviously not the view of the administration. As Darren was going, Aarron, a general councellor with the oaks (the age group down) decided he had had enough and would leave with his friend.

However these events were eclipsed by what would happen later on that evening. Earlier in the day, Richard, a lacross councellor who lives in the ajoining bunk, number 17 had lent his car to Ben, the golf councellor who was on his day off, As it turns out, while he was picking up rich's keys from his bunk, he helped himself to two new t shirts Rich had bought from Conway a few days previously.

To cut a long story short, and unfotunately in turn remove much of the drama from the tale, it turns out that Ben had been 'helping himself' to many items from both councellors and kids including things such as cash, video games and even an I-Pod! He was promtly taken to pack up his things and fired, and along with a member of kitchen staff leaving took the total of staff leaving to 4 in one day, which has now been coined as 'the pre-visiting day massacure' .

Events like Ben's don't so much shock and suprise you, but make you question your own outlook on things and how open you are with people. Camp is a very sharing and trusting environment. As i have discovered over the last few days, Solitude is very hard to find therefore everything that happens to you becomes public knowledge, sometimes much quicker than you might like as many have found to their cost. Therefore when someone breaks this trust, eveyone is rocked to the core, as was shown by the distinctly muted atmosphere around camp this morning. Ben may not have been the most popular guy but his actions have caused a lot of pain, and despite this, i along with several others feel sorry for him and hope he is able to get help for the problems he has and continue to lead his life on from here.

In lighter news, the hot weather that has been killing us for the last few days has hopefully now subsided as we had two big storms this afternoon, Visiting day is in a few days and from there on in it is all supposed to fly by, considering it already has, it should be fun. Sunday marked the one mounth anniversary of my arriving within the States, meaning i am now roughly a third through my adventure. Im now really missing stupid, little things about home but missing them none the less. Things such as tea, proper chocolate, cricket over baseball seem to be much more important when you don't have them, as do friends and family, something i already have learnt this summer is how several people are very important in my life, and altough sometimes i take them for granted, these people do mean a lot to me. Hopefully you know who you are. Reciveing post has never been as important to me as it has at camp, so thank you to those who have taken the time to write, it is hugely appritated and i promise to make the effort to write back as soon as possible.

Anyway, it is now time for bed
Hope everyone is safe and well



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